
Humanoid Robot - Triatlon

Humanoid Robot - Triatlon Rules


Short description:

The purpose of this challenge is to appreciate the best robot which meets the following criteria:


Change log


Challenge 3: Weightlifting
4.2.2. Challenge course
Important!!! One person can be operator for maximum 2 robots.
If you are called to play and you don't come in 5 minutes the robot is desqulified.


Replacing Maze with Obstacle Sprint

Removing Humanoid Revolution


First publication


1. General aspects

The competition is open to all robotics enthusiasts.

Teams of one or more members are allowed.

The robots will have to meet the requirements presented in the Robot Characteristics section.

The competition consists in 3 challenges.


2. Robot characteristics

A. The robot must be a two legged walking humanoid biped that must shift its center of gravity to maintain its balance when walking.

B. When walking, one foot must lift off the floor, while the other foot is balancing the robot.

C. When walking, the foot that balances the robot must have a knee-joint angle greater than 90 degrees. At any point if this is not the case, the robot will not be considered walking.

D. The feet can be of any shape and form as long as all of the following are maintained:

          a. The robot’s foot is defined as the part of the robot that is contacting the surface of the arena (ground).

          b. The maximum length (size) of the foot must be less than 50% of the length of the extended robot’s leg. The leg length is defined as the distance between where the robots foot touches the ground and the axis that connects the leg to the upper body of the robot.

          c. The maximum length of the foot must be less than 20 cm.

E. When robot is standing or walking, a rectangular outline around the left and right feet shall not overlap.

F. The robot must have 2 arms. Each arm extended length shall not exceed the extended leg length.

G. The robot must have a head.

H. The robot’s height must be greater than 30 cm but less than 80 cm.

I. The robot must be equipped with a start switch or sensor.

J. The robots must have displayed a number, offer by the organizers, on the outer casing of the robot in a visible place. The number it is used to identify the robot by the referee and can be found in the Team's Folder (details in appendix 1)

K. The robot arms can be adapted fot the weightlifting challenge


3. Game area

A. The structure of the staircase (for Challenge 1) is presented in APPENDIX A.

B. The structure of the Obstacle Sprint (for Challenge 2) is presented in APPENDIX B.

C. The structure of the Weightlifting (for Challenge 3) is presented in APPENDIX C.


4. Course of the competition

The competition consists in 2 challenges. The robot which claims the biggest number of points wins.

4.1 Challenge 1: Stair-climbing

4.1.1. Aim of the challenge

The robots compete one after each other. Each robot must reach the top of the staircase as fast as possible climbing one stair at a time, using his legs. Touching the staircase with other parts is not permitted.

4.1.2. Course time

Time is measured from the start signal until the robot reaches the top of the staircase. The robot is deemed to have finished the challenge when it’s both feet are in contact with the top of the staircase. The maximum time admitted to complete this challenge is 5 minutes, at this time the robot position shall be noticed for scoring.

4.1.3. Timekeeping

Time must be measured with an electronic gate system or by a judge with a stopwatch , based on the availability of  equipment. In either case the recorded time shall be final.

4.1.4. Autonomous control

Once the start signal has been given the robot must remain fully autonomous or it will be disqualified. The robot must be disconnected from any network during the challenge to prevent outside intervention.

4.1.5. Interruptions

A. If a robot falls of the staircase it gets a second chance to complete the challenge. The robot will be place at the first step.

B. If a robot falls of the staircase or gets stuck because of various reasons (low battery, hot motor, script error, etc.) it gets a second chance to complete the challenge. A time interval up to 10 minute shall be granted to solve the problem before the retry. The robot will be place at the first step when the restart will occur. In case of restart, the best attempt shall be considered for scoring.

C. If a team refuses the second chance or the robot cannot the fixed in the given interval, the first attempt shall be considered for scoring.


4.2. Challenge 2: Obstacle Sprint

4.2.1. Aim of the challenge

The robots will compete one after the other. The aim of the game is that a robot who walks in two legs must complete a course with obstacles in the shortest time.

4.2.2. Challenge course

Important!!! One person can be operator for maximum 2 robots.

A. The time in with the robots are allowed to finish the course is 90 minutes. Depending on the number of competitors the time can be extended or reduced.

B. Each root has in total 3 attempts. The robots have 3 time slots, each slot has a 30 minutes time limit.  In each slot a robot have the right to make only one attempt to finish the course.
If one robot will not come to make his attempt in one slot, he loses the right to do it. There are not allowed two attempts in one slot. The time slots can be extended or reduced depending on the number of competitors.

C. One attempt has a time limit of 3 minutes to be completed. If the robot get stuck is allowed one restart. The robot will have the restart from the start position.

D. If the robot doesn’t finish the course in 3 minutes it will be stopped and the distance covered will be recorded.

E. The final classification will be made taking in consideration the best time for each robot.

F. No objections shall be declared against the judges' decisions. If there are any objections the team, can be disqualified from that match.

G. Until the homologation, all the teams will stay in the room reserved for them (the room will be marked in the area map from the team’s folder). Each challenge will have a room. The teams can leave the room only when they are called to the competition area. Each team will be called by a competition official, when they need to go to the waiting area, which is near the competition area (details in appendix 1).

H. After a trial is over, the teams must return in the room reserved for them.

I. Each team has the responsibility to follow the starting grid (schedule), displayed on the website and in the teams room. PLEASE DON’T BE LATE, WE WILL NOT WAIT!!!

If you are called to play and you don't come in 5 minutes the robot is desqulified.

4.2.3. Time and distance keeping

Time is measured from the start signal until the robot reaches the finish line. If a robot didn't finish the challenge in time or got stuck, the distance covered shall be measured. The best time or distance shall be kept for scoring.

4.2.4. Autonomous control

Once the start signal has been given the robot must remain fully autonomous or it will be disqualified. The robot must be disconnected from any network during the challenge to prevent outside intervention.

4.2.5. Interruptions

If a robot gets stuck because of any reasons it has the right to one restart.The robot will have the restart from the start position.


4.3. Challenge 3: Weightlifting

4.3.1. Aim of the challenge

The robots will compete one after the other. The aim of the game is for a robot to pick up the lifting bar, walk with it below the head towards the lifting line. The robot must lift the bar above it's head when it touches the lifting line. The robot must walk until the finish line with the bar abowe it's head.

4.3.2. Challenge course

A. A single robot in the arena. The other robots must be outside the playing area.

B. The Robot will be placed behind the starting line.

C. At the start of the atempt, the operator will inform the referee how many CD's the robot want's to atempt to lift and the referee will attach the desired weight to the lift bar.

D. The competition has a duration of 3 hours. During this time the robots can make as many attempts as they want in the competition area. The referee records the total weight lifted by each robot.

E. After the 3 hours are up, each robot will receive points according to their best attempt.

F. The referee will give the start signal. The robot must pick up the lifting bar (with the chosen weight) located on the receiving line.

G. The robot must walk towards the lift line while continousky carrying the weight below it's head until one foot touches the lift line

H. With at least one food on the lift bar, the robot must lift he bar over it's head.

I. While keeping the lift bar above it's head, the robot must continue walking towards the finish line. A lift is considered successful if the robot crosses the finish line with both legs. The lifting bar can be supported only by hands.

J. No objections shall be declared against the judges' decisions. If there are any objections the team, can be disqualified from that match.

K. Until the homologation, all the teams will stay in the room reserved for them (the room will be marked in the area map from the team’s folder). Each challenge will have a room. The teams can leave the room only when they are called to the competition area. Each team will be called by a competition official, when they need to go to the waiting area, which is near the competition area (details in appendix 1).

L. After a trial is over, the teams must return in the room reserved for them.

M. Each team has the responsibility to follow the starting grid (schedule), displayed on the website and in the teams room. PLEASE DON’T BE LATE, WE WILL NOT WAIT!!!

4.3.3. Autonomous control

Once the start signal has been given the robot must remain fully autonomous or it will be disqualified. The robot must be disconnected from any network during the challenge to prevent outside intervention.

4.3.4. Interruptions

If a robot doesn't start because of any reasons it has the right to one restart.The robot will have the restart from the start position. If at the restart the robot still dosn't start then another robot will be able to take it's place.


5. Scoring

5.1. Challenge 1: Stair-climbing

The robot who will reached the top of the staircase in the allowed time, will receive 10 points. The rest of the robots will be ranked depending on which step they arrive on the staircase. If more robots stop on the same step they will we ordered using the time.

The minimum amount of points obtained in this challenge shall be no lower than 1 point.

5.2. Challenge 2: Obstacle Sprint

The robot that will finish the course and will have the best time, will receive 10 points. The rest of the robots will be ranked using the time and the position on the course. If more robots stop on the same place they will we ordered using the time.

The minimum amount of points obtained in this challenge shall be no lower than 1 point.

5.3. Challenge 3: Weightlifting

Each robot will receive points according to their best attempt. The robot with the bigest weight lifted will receive 10 points. The robots that have not picked up at least 0 CD's automaticaly will receive 1 point. 

In the event that two robots or more have the same number of points after all attempts, the 2nd or 3rd biggest wight recorder for each robot will be used as a tiebreaker.

5.4. Winner

The final ranking is made by summing the points from all challenges for each robot. The robot with the biggest number of points wins the competition.


6. Objections

A. There won't be any objections on the jury's decisions.

B.  If there is any problem with the regulations ,any complains or any deviations from the rules observed , the objection must be addressed by the team captain to the organizers , or in their absence to the members of the jury.


7. Flexibility of Rules

A. As long as the concept and fundamentals of the rules are observed, these rules shall be flexible enough to encompass the changes in the number of players and of the contents of matches.

B. Modifications or abolition of the rules can be made by the local event organizers as long as they are published prior to the event, and are consistently maintained throughout the event.


8. Responsibilities

A. Participating teams are always responsible for the safety of their own robots and are responsible for any accident caused by the members of the team or robots.

B. The University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest and the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology will never be responsible for any incidents/accidents caused by the participating teams and their robots.


APPENDIX A. : Staircase

Dimension    Value

Length (cm)    L    40

Width (cm)    W    20

Height (cm)    H    3


•    The staircase shall have 3 steps

•    All steps shall have the same height

•    The top of the staircase has dimension of 40 x 40 cm


APPENDIX B. : Obstacle Sprint

A. The course has a rectangular shape, l = 120 cm and L 250 cm

B. It is delimited using 2 wood pieces with a height of 10 cm.

C. The start and stop line it is black and it has a width of 2 cm.

D. On the course will be 2 cubic obstacles withe the side of 60 cm.  

E. The course example



Weightlifting course

A. The course has a rectangular shape, l = 120 cm and L 250 cm

B. The course it's white and it's placed on the floor.

C. It is delimited using 2 wood pieces with a height of 10 cm.

D. The black lines are 5cm (50mm) wide.

E. The distance between the black line is 40 cm (400 mm)

F. The course example

Pull-up bar and weights

A. The lifting bar is a metal rod with a width of 8 mm. Two stops are used to place the weights.

B. The total lenghts of the bar is between 50 cm and 80 cm

C. The weight used are typically CDs or DVDs.

D. The weight is placed on support so they do not roll arround the track. The height of the support is 10 cm.



Team’s folder will have the following items:

  1. The numbers for each robot

  2. The participations diplomas for the team members

  3. The badges for the team members

  4. Informations regarding the rooms reserved for the teams and the competition area map

  5. Promotional

  6. Explanation regarding how the groups are formed

  7. The map for the teams room and the competition areas